Wednesday 19 February 2014

Health Benefits Of Water

Scientifically speaking, water is the basis of life, but beyond being essential to your very existence, water serves all sorts of purposes that help you feel your absolute best. No, it can't cure cancer (though it may help prevent it), pay your rent (though it does save you money), or take out the trash, but here are six reasons H2O can help solve many annoying day-to-day health issues-and possibly prevent a few big ones-from headaches to those last few pounds.

Thursday 13 February 2014

Diseases And Their Cure

1. Malaria: Get a potful of lemon grass and lime, boil and drink a cup twice a day, children should take ¼ of a glass cup twice a day. Or prepare Lipton tea, lime, lemon grass, pea leaf (Otiili), henna leaf (Laali), boil and add Alabukun Powder and take 3 times a day.

2. Sleeplessness: Mix undiluted honey with Aloe Vera juice, take half a cup before going to bed, or get some bitter leaves squeeze and take half a cup before going to bed.

3. Tooth Ache: Mix undiluted honey with lime juice and apply two or more drops to the affected part of your teeth or get a wonderful cola and chew around the area, if impossible, grind and mix with hot and apply.

Wednesday 12 February 2014

Alternative Asthma Treatment

Asthma leaves some 15 million Americans gasping for breath. And asthma's incidence has been steadily rising in the past four decades, more than doubling since 1980. Although the tendency to develop asthma can be genetic, both environmental and dietary factors are major causes for the increase.

For example, the incidence of asthma, especially in children, is much greater in urban areas where polluted air is more prevalent. Even more striking is that asthma is a new disease. Like coronary artery disease, asthma was virtually unknown 100 years ago, and is still rare in many developing countries.


Asthma is a disease affecting the airways that carry air to and from your lungs. People who suffer from this chronic condition (long-lasting or recurrent) are said to be asthmatic.
The inside walls of an asthmatic's airways are swollen or inflamed. This swelling or inflammation makes the airways extremely sensitive to irritations and increases your susceptibility to an allergic reaction.
As inflammation causes the airways to become narrower, less air can pass through them, both to and from the lungs. Symptoms of the narrowing include wheezing (a hissing sound while breathing), chest tightness, breathing problems, and coughing. Asthmatics usually experience these symptoms most frequently during the night and the early morning.
For information on the different causes of asthma (allergy, colds, stress, exercise, etc) please see page 4 (causes of asthma).

What is an Asthma Episode / Attack?

Health Benefits Of Water

Scientifically speaking, water is the basis of life, but beyond being essential to your very existence, water serves all sorts of purposes that help you feel your absolute best. No, it can't cure cancer (though it may help prevent it), pay your rent (though it does save you money), or take out the trash, but here are six reasons H2O can help solve many annoying day-to-day health issues-and possibly prevent a few big ones-from headaches to those last few pounds.

Tuesday 11 February 2014

Health Benefits Of Ginkgo

Ginkgo biloba is the oldest living tree species – the tree could live up to 1,000 years. More than 40 components of the ginkgo biloba tree have been isolated and identified, but only two of them -- flavonoids and terpenoids -- are believed to account for Ginkgo biloba’s beneficial health effects. Flavonoids are plant-based antioxidants, and studies have revealed that flavonoids protect the nerves, heart muscle, blood vessels, and retina from damage. Terpenoids aid blood flow by dilating the blood vessels and reducing the stickiness of platelets.


Diarrhea is a condition that involves the frequent passing of loose or watery stools - it is the opposite of constipation and can have many causes, which may be infectious or non-infectious.

Diarrhea comes from the Greek word diarrhoia. Dia means "through" and rheo means "flow". The term "flowing through" was coined by Hippocrates.

Spelling: In American English it is spelled "diarrhea", and in British English it is "diarrhoea".

Acute diarrhea, meaning diarrhea that is not long-term, is a very common cause death in developing nations, especially among young children and babies. It usually appears rapidly and may last from between five to ten days.

Chronic diarrhea, meaning long-term diarrhea is the second cause of death among children in developing countries.